Vaccinations During Pregnancy

The one vaccination we recommend routinely to all pregnant women, regardless of trimester, is the influenza vaccine. Please see section: Influenza Vaccine and Pregnancy.

Otherwise, we have listed recommendations for common vaccinations in the table below.



Vaccine Recommendation
Anthrax Postpone pregnancy 1 month after receiving
BCG (tuberculosis) Avoid
Chicken pox (varicella) Avoid, recommended after delivery if not immune
Hepatitis A Postpone pregnancy 1 month after receiving
Hepatitis B Sometimes recommended, limited info, only for women at high risk**
HPV Appears safe, but still being studied
Influenza/H1N1 Recommended, all women, all trimesters
Japanese encephalitis Postpone pregnancy 1 month after receiving
Measles Avoid
Meningococcal Sometimes recommended, limited info, only for women at high risk**
MMR Avoid
Mumps Avoid
Nasal spray influenza Avoid
Polio Postpone pregnancy 1 month after receiving
Pneumococcal Sometimes recommended, limited info, only for women at high risk**
Rabies Sometimes recommended, limited info, only for women at high risk**
Rubella Avoid; recommended after delivery if not immune
Smallpox (Vaccinia) Postpone pregnancy 1 month after receiving
TB skin test Safe
Tdap Recommended after delivery
Typhoid Postpone pregnancy 1 month after receiving
Yellow fever Postpone pregnancy 1 month after receiving
**High risk: work in a health care facility, travel to areas where infection is common. This should be discussed with your physician.