Aventa Specialized Women’s Care Phase I Initiatives

Phase I

Office Protocol

May 1, 2020

Phase I

Following the recommendations from the Small Business Task force and the Subcommittee to Reopen the Economy, Aventa Specialized Women’s Care has outlined our Phase I initiatives.   Aventa had previously implemented many of the requirements outlined in the Medical & Health Services – Medical Doctor section of Reopen the Economy.  We will continue with these efforts as well as initiate some additional measures. 

Aventa will continue to defer treating patients for routine (Non-Emergent) visits that may be considered High Risk due to underlying health conditions.    

Those patients are identified as follows:

• Over 60 Years of Age
• High Blood Pressure
• Obesity
• Undergoing Cancer Treatment
• Diabetes
• Other Serious Health Conditions

We will also continue screening patients prior to entering the office and we will also begin requiring each patient to wear a mask while inside the office.  We will boost our social distancing policy by requesting that you wait in your vehicle and you will be notified when the staff is ready for you.  We are still not permitting any accompanying guest with patients except special needs or minor patients.

We will continue to allow spousal access for Obstetrical Ultrasounds via a separate entrance and only for that service. 

We certainly understand that these measures are restrictive, but please rest assured that it is our genuine desire to keep all our patients, staff and community as healthy as possible.